Thursday, July 15, 2010


Sorry for not doing an element recently, but I am looking at lots of interesting samples to buy! I have a few on their way, but I'll try to do another one tomorrow, maybe Lead or Aluminum.

I also received my shipment of sample vials, they are very nice. Since I bought bulk, I could sell a few off, but most likely I will wait until I have extra samples to sell with them. Comment if interested.
There they are, all cute and small. I also bought some larger ones for larger samples, but they aren't quite as.. Adorable. As I have these, I can now store several gas samples I haven't been able to in the past, such as electrolyzed Hydrogen and Oxygen, along with a few others.. But I'm waiting on Hydrogen until I have some special Isotopes to show off, which will be worth it I guarantee.

I will also be buying some glass tubing and hopefully learn to blow glass, this will open up invaluable possibilities such as melted-shut glass tubes (called ampoules) I can store reactive elements in permanently, along with gas-discharge lights (See Neon post for info on those) for different gases, possibly even more advanced vacuum-electric devices.

Stay tuned, and remember donations will bring more exciting samples!


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